6 Best Search Engine Optimization Techniques (2023)

5 min readDec 4, 2022


6 Best Search Engine Optimization Techniques (2023)

You may have heard the phrase “search engine optimization” and wondered what it means, or perhaps you’ve already been utilizing SEO techniques on your website but aren’t sure if they’re working. In either case, this article will give you a rundown of what search engine optimization is and why it matters. We’ll cover some of the most effective techniques that are used today:

These are 6 techniques for search engine optimization

- Optimize your content around important keywords.

- Update your content regularly

- Work on making your website mobile-friendly

- Set a goal to get more backlinks

- Improve site speed

- Compress Website Images

1. Optimize your content around important keywords.

One of the most effective and inexpensive ways to get your content noticed is through optimization. Optimizing your site means that you’re making it as easy for search engines like Google to understand what your page is about, so it can provide the most relevant results for users searching for those terms.

To do this, there are a few basic things you should do:

- Use keywords in title tags and meta descriptions, which appear in search results below the actual title of each result (as shown below).

Image By Etlane.com

- Include keywords within body text and image alt text as well.

- Use H1 headings (e.g., “Top 5 SEO Practices”) so that all major points are clearly labeled and easily accessible

2. Update your content regularly.

Keeping your content fresh and up-to-date is important for search engine optimization. The best way to do this is by adding new posts on a regular basis, or at least making sure that old posts are still relevant and useful. It’s not enough to just create a blog post once, as search engines will assume that it hasn’t been updated since then and no longer rank it highly.

It’s also important not to spam users with content they don’t want, so make sure that any updates are relevant, timely and interesting for the audience you serve. If you can get an idea of what articles people would like to read about based on current trends in your industry (or from feedback from previous customers), then you can use these insights when planning future content updates.

3. Work on making your website mobile-friendly.

Make your website mobile-friendly.

A large percentage of people use their phones to find information, so it makes sense that you want your site to be easy to navigate on a mobile device.

Making your website mobile-friendly can be done in two ways: responsive design and using the mobile version of your site (called the m-dot). If you have both of these set up, it’s even better because then Google will automatically show both versions of your page depending on what type of device someone uses.

If you don’t have either yet, here’s what you should do:

- Work on making your website more accessible from any device(s) by using responsive design techniques like browser resizing and CSS media queries; this means you’ll have less work later when there are more devices out there!

- Get familiar with how search engines handle web content differently between desktop computers vs tablets vs phones — then make sure those differences aren’t hurting users’ experience with finding info online through Google specifically (i.e., m-dot sites). The best way is usually just linking people directly into either category (desktop/tablet) rather than having multiple links across different platforms which could potentially confuse users who aren’t familiar with either one yet.”

4. Set a goal to get more backlinks.

You should set a goal to get more backlinks. By improving your website’s ranking, you can increase its traffic and revenue. The most important factor of SEO is the amount of backlinks pointing at your site. If you rank well for an important keyword, people will click on it when they search for it. It’s not easy to get a lot of good quality links in a short period of time so make sure that you set realistic goals from the start and follow our advice below:

> * Find relevant websites that link out to other sites by using services like Ahrefs or SEMrush (see section 1).

> * Ask for recommendations on social media platforms such as Facebook groups (see section 2)

>The best types are nofollowed links from Wikipedia pages or any other type which doesn’t pass link value through because Google will penalise these types even though they still count towards rankings rather than ignore them completely like many would think

5. Improve site speed.

When it comes to improving your site’s SEO, you should aim for fast.

It’s no secret that the first thing Google wants to see when visiting a site is quick load times. In fact, this is one of their most important ranking factors!

In order to achieve fast load times, there are many things we can do such as minifying HTML and CSS files and optimizing images for faster loading time. These things will help improve our SEO rankings by increasing user engagement with our website or blog post.

6. Compress Website Images

Compressing website images is a big factor in search engine optimization. Because by compressing your website images your page will load faster faster and google will recommend your site to

others. You can also compress images by custom online tools and if you are using WordPress than you can use plugins . Their are many Image Optimization Plugins You can see below.

- Smush — lazy load images

- Optimus

- Imsanity

- Imagify

- ShortPixel Image Optimizer

The upper mentioned plugins are best for image optimization and will help you to optimize your site performance.

Search Engine Optimization is about knowing the latest best practices and working at the forefront of what search engines desire.

You need to stay on the cutting edge of SEO. You can do this by:

- Connecting with other SEO professionals.

- Reading industry publications and blogs, especially those written by experts in the field.

- Taking part in online communities for your area of expertise (for example, Reddit has many subreddits that discuss SEO).

- Staying up-to-date with social media and keeping an eye out for news stories about search engines and how they operate.


With all of these tips in mind, it’s easy to see why SEO is still a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website. It’s also clear that there are many more ways to optimize your site than what we’ve covered here today. So don’t be afraid to experiment with new strategies if something doesn’t work out well! Good luck with all your search engine optimization endeavors!




Etlane is a professional blog about SEO, Marketing And Products Reviews. You can find latest tips and tricks about marketing and SEO.